Replace_It! Copyright © 1995-1996 Digital Processes WHAT IT DOES: Replace_It! searches for and replaces (or deletes) multiple text strings in multiple files. Great for updating entire projects in one pass for any programming language which uses ASCII text files to store source code. It also replaces or deletes strings in Delphi .DFM binary files for transparent component swapping. Several predefined replacement lists are included to beautify Pascal, PowerBuilder and SQL source code. One list allows for quick and simple conversion from Delphi database components to InfoPower components. Replace_It! also performs find only searches and ASCII hex dumps of binary files. Use it to: 1. Rename - change object, function, procedure, variable and key word names (any string within a line of code or text may be found and replaced by a new string) 2. Delete - delete any string within a line of code or text 3. Find - find only mode produces a detailed listing of all occurrences found by filename, line and position (offset in binary files) 4. Beautify - change programming language reserved words to all upper case, all lower case or lower case with first char of each word capitalized (these are built-in default replacement lists). 5. Component Swap - in Delphi to change a component to an enhanced descendant component. This eliminates having to physically remove the ancestor, replace it with the descendant and set the properties all over again. Where one component used to be the new one appears! This is by far the greatest time saving feature of Replace_It! (there is a built-in replacement list for converting a database project over to InfoPower components) PROCESSING OPTIONS: 1. Verify each replace, even in Delphi .DFM files, on an item by item basis. 2. Limit search to whole words only on an item by item basis. 3. Make search case sensitive or insensitive on an item by item basis. 4. Delete rather than replace a string being searched for on an item by item basis. 5. Generate ASCII readable HEX dump files from binary files. 6. Search and replace or delete strings in Delphi binary .DFM files. 7. Prevent replacement within commented source code. WHY YOU WOULD WANT TO USE IT: Replace_It! can easily pay for itself after the first use on many medium to large sized projects which spans many source code files. Delphi / InfoPower Example: Try converting a multi form generic Delphi database project over to one using InfoPower database components. It could take all day by hand but by using Replace_It! the whole process takes less than 15 minutes because Replace_It! also searches and replaces strings in Delphi .DFM binary files! For example, after you let Replace_It! replace a Delphi TTable component with an InfoPower TwwTable component you will see a TwwTable component on the form where a Ttable component used to be! SQL Example: Consider searching for and replacing (changing) a stored procedure name referenced in hundreds of SQL stored procedure and trigger source code files. Replace_It! can do it in less than 10 minutes and you'll be sure you didn't miss a single reference. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE IF YOU REGISTER: You will receive printed installation instructions, a User Manual in .WRI format, tech support via CompuServe Email and the full implementation of the latest version of Replace_It! which includes the ability to search for and replace strings in Delphi .DFM binary files. You will also be entitled to upgrade to new versions of Replace_It! for considerably less than the price of a first time registration. HOW TO REGISTER: COMPUSERVE REGISTRATION: 1. GO SWREG to register. 2. Select "Register Software" from the menu. 3. The CompuServe REGISTRATION IDs for Replace_It! are: 6358 (Win3.x 16 bit version) 11124 (Win95/NT 32 bit version) Enter the appropriate number as the first option on the search criteria display. 4. The registration fee of $29.00 plus any shipping and handling fees and sales tax will be charged to your CompuServe account. You may want to consider having your new software sent directly to your CompuServe "mail box". REGISTRATION BY POSTAL SERVICE MAIL: If you are registering by postal service mail simply copy and paste the order form (listed below) to Notepad or your favorite editor and fill in the blanks. Then print the order form and mail it to the address listed below. BY CHECK/MONEY ORDER: 1. Fill in the order form. 2. Make out a check or money order to Digital Processes for the amount in "Total Payment". 3. Print the form and mail it with your check or money order to Digital Processes at the address listed below. BY CREDIT CARD: 1. Fill in the order form. 2. Fill in the type of card, Visa or MasterCard. 3. Fill in the card's account number. 4. Fill in the expiration date and any effective date on the card. 5. Fill in the cardholder's name as it appears on the card 6. Print the form and mail it to Digital Processes at the address listed below. ORDER FORM: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Replace_It! for: __ Win3.x 16 bit or __ Win95/NT 32 bit Replace_It! Single Copy: ____ copies at $29 each = ______ Replace_It! Site License 2 to 9 computers: ____ computers at $22 each = ______ 10 to 24 computers: ____ computers at $17 each = ______ 25 to 49 computers: ____ computers at $14 each = ______ 50 to 99 computers: ____ computers at $10 each = ______ 100 or more computers: ____ computers at $ 7 each = ______ Orders outside US, Canada and Mexico add $3 + ______ California residents add 8.5% sales tax + ______ Total Payment = ______ __ MasterCard __ Visa Card No: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Card Expiration Date: Month: __ __ Year: __ __ Exact Name Appearing on Card:___________________________ __ Check Enclosed __ Money Order Enclosed Name:_______________________________ Date:___________ Company:________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________ City,St,Zip:________________________________________________ Country:________________________________________________ Day Phone:__________________ Evening:_____________________ Ship To: __ Address Above Disk Size: __ 3.5 __ 5.25 or __ CompuServe # Below [Digital Processes pays] (User Manual in MS Windows .WRI format) CompuServe #:________________ Internet:______________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL PROCESSES ADDRESSES: Digital Processes PO Box 260 Tujunga, CA 91043-0260 CompuServe: 75334,3030 Internet: